Tuesday, August 21, 2007 


Lily is almost 8 pounds! We went to the Dr. today and she weighs 7 lbs 11 oz! What a little butterball! She's more than doubled her weight! Girlfriend can eat!

Big brother Isaiah continues to adore his little sister! He told me the other day, "Mommy, she's beautiful! She's my bestfriend! I love her sooo much!". When he is not reading books to her, he's kissing her on the head or asking to hold her. Lucky girl!
We've been home a lot so Isaiah's been playing in his little pool in the backyard. He has so much fun! I can't believe the summer is almost over!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 

First Family Outing

We went to the beach for our first real family outing since Lily was born. The boys had a wonderful time playing in the water, digging holes and eating snow cones! The girls got to just sit back and relax!

Little Lily officially turned 1 month old over the weekend. Her gestational age is still -2 weeks, but getting closer and closer to D day! At her 1 month check up, she weighed in at 6 lbs 1 oz! She is putting on weight like crazy as you can see in her 3 chins!

1 month old
