Wednesday, June 28, 2006 

Father's Day and the Zoo

Matching Dimples!

Enjoying the ocean

San Diego Zoo

Isaiah is trying with all his might to reach the ducks!

The petting zoo

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 

What do you see?

Sunday, June 11, 2006 

AHH Summer time!

It's finally here! We couldn't wait for this summer, the beach, the ocean breezes, that San Diego weather! Although we've been socked in for the last week with June Gloom, it's finally started to lift! Let the fun begin!

Princess Ella and Prince Isaiah on parade, waving to the people (and by people I mean their mothers - it was a very small venue). Ella is Isaiah's very first crush. She even made him a crown. He LOVES her. Every girl he sees with straight dark hair he calls "Enna". I guess he can't say Ella yet. This was one of those June Gloom days, but it looked bright and happy from their perspective!

Ella and Isaiah on a nature walk. Ella collects leaves and Isaiah is partial to rocks.

These two don't seem to WALK anywhere together. They are a blur of constant motion! Together they are a force to be reckoned with! They were caught hugging after the walk -which was adorable, until they both fell down holding onto each other for dear life! Everything was okay and nobody was hurt- but I guess even for toddlers: LOVE HURTS!

This was today at the Meditation Gardens. Isaiah is saying, FISH, FISH!

Look at that ocean view! Isaiah was literally oohing and ahhing. He kept saying OOOH WHY! (water in Isaiah-speak) and OOOH BOAT! and OOOH APLAY (airplane)!

