Monday, February 27, 2006 

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

Who spent this day 28 years in the hospital with her 1 day old baby, me! Thanks for being such a great mom to me, and a wonderful grandmother to Isaiah!

Sunday, February 26, 2006 


May God bless you with many more. We love you and wish the best day possible!
Love, The Guys

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

Cold Crisp Cloudy Day

Isaiah loves the beach! He loves the sand, the sticks, the rocks. We love holding his hand, hearing his glee and hugging him for warmth!

Monday, February 13, 2006 

Do you know who your neighbors are?

A good friend (Thanks Maria) just sent me this website:

Okay, here's the deal... go to this link and enter your address. It'll show a house, that's yours... all the little colored boxes around are the homes of sex offenders etc... click on them and you get a name & picture of the offender along with their crime and exact address... pretty scary...

If you live in a new house, your address may not pop up. I tried using the address of an older home very close to mine and found 3 reg. sex offenders in my immediate area. If your address doesn't come up, try using the address of an established business- like a grocery store near you. It is good to know, always good to be aware of your surroundings.
