Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Many faces of Isaiah!

Click on the picture below to view the album.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005 

Happy Harvest from our family to yours!

God Bless you! Please be safe on Halloween- and remember to thank God for all of his bountiful blessings. Have your kids say "Thank you and God Bless you" when they are trick or treating. This doesn't have to be a Pagan holiday if you don't make it into one! Halloween has always been a very controversial day for Christians, after all, it is rooted in Pagan beliefs and witchcraft. Many Christians choose to "ban" Halloween staying locked inside their homes. Although we are not taking Isaiah trick or treating this year (he's still too young to eat candy) it would be hard for me to keep him from trick or treating as he gets older. Halloween is everywhere, in the media, in the grocery stores, even at school. I loved trick or treating as a child. What kid wouldn't? What child does not like playing dress up and getting sweet treats? One thing I will do, though is teach Isaiah (when he is old enough to understand) what Halloween is truly about. We will also teach him the following:

There is a spiritual world filled with goodness from God and evil from Satan (Eph. 2:1-10)

Life with Christ has power over darkness (I John 4:4)

I will discourage him from dressing as a ghost, goblin or witch. We will go to pumkin patches and carve pumpkins. We'll go to the mountains and appreciate the turning of the leaves. We'll celebrate the fall harvest. Maybe we'll pick fruit right off of the trees at a fruit orchard! Maybe we'll bake apple pies! We will pray, and thank God that goodness always triumphs over evil, and we will thank God that there is still innocent fun left in this world. And then we will go trick or treating and eat ourselves silly with sugar and candy!

Sunday, October 23, 2005 

Happy Harvest!

Saturday at Bates Farm. We heard lots of: Oh, what an adorable little frog! and Look at the cute little lizard! and How sweet, a little caterpiller! Aw, a baby dinosaur! and our favorite- It's a green baby! But Isaiah was dressed up as an Alligator! Isn't it obvious?


Isaiah's Signs

We have included a list of all of Isaiah's signs under About us> Isaiah.

If you are interested in signing or want to know just about any sign in American Sign Language- there is a website listed there that will link you to an ASL browser. It has video of each sign and instructions on making the sign.

Isaiah is doing really well with the sign language. The latest sign he does is "finished" (or "all done"). When he is done eating, he will put up both his hands- like he is saying "touchdown!" It's so funny! His signs are approximate, just like the speech of a baby. Sometimes it's hard to tell what he is saying, but most of the time, we figure it out! He gets really excited when we understand what he's saying and react appropriately. It's amazing and a lot of fun!

Monday, October 10, 2005 

Our lil man

This was about a month ago.
We finally got "formal" pictures taken at the studio.
The photographer said he was the happiest
baby she'd ever shot!

Got YO BABY YOGURT? Isaiah loves this stuff!

Check out his faux hawk (faux mohawk)!
Isaiah looking mean "You got a problem?"

Friday, October 07, 2005 

Happy Birthday Terry!

Wishing you lots of love and happiness on your very special birthday weekend! Live it up!

Dave, Eileen and Isaiah

Thursday, October 06, 2005 

Happy 1st Birthday Victor!

You are officially a TODDLER! It has been awesome to see you change and learn so fast. It gives us a glimpse of what's to come with Isaiah. You are so smart, so sweet, and just so adorable!

Isaiah says thank you for teaching him everything you know. We look forward to many more trips to the zoo together as well as many more walks and playdates. See you tomorrow- and this time we'll be ready for mean little boys that like to hit (you had to be there). Isaiah says, "I got your back."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 

Travel Town Museum in Pasadena

It was Isaiah's first train ride and first time
on a train and he was just giddy!

