Friday, June 29, 2007 

Welcome to the World....

Eileen gave birth to our beautiful baby girl at approximately 5:35 pm. She weighted in at 3 pounds 7 ounces. She is 15 1/4 inches long.

Her name is Lilianna Mei Sanchez. She is named after her two loving Grandmothers.

She is doing very well in the NICU. She came out screaming and full of life. We have been told by nurses she is breathing well without any help.

Thank you for all your prayers and support.

David, Eileen, Isaiah, and Lily




Lord willing, if all goes well will be Baby Sister's birthday. Last night I was given Cervadil, and now I will start on Pitocin this morning. We have been told that I am 1cm dilated, which is good news. I was originally planning on going without the epidural, but I'm pretty sure I've changed my mind, since hearing that Pitocin can be quite painful.

Thank you for all the prayer and best wishes.

Thursday, June 28, 2007 

Update for now

Had a great visit from my wonderful Dr. last night and it out my mind at ease, just a bit. Basically what has happened is a fast onset of Preeclampsia or Toxemia. Dr. said it has nothing to do with my previous onset of Strep Throat, or any other preexisting condition. It was even a surprise to her as this usually doesn't occur in subsequent pregnancies unless I am in an the outskirts of the optimal age range of childbirth. The reason for preeclampsia is unknown, just one of those mysteries that sometimes happen. Concern here, again is that the baby isn't getting the nutrients and oxygen she needs. My blood pressure has gone down a few times but not consistently. Still waiting the results of my 2nd labs. Baby Girls heartrate is going strong and she's been moving around in there.

Most likely the plan is still on. They will probably prepare the cervix tonight and start the induction. She will most likely be born Friday morning. I am hoping to deliver vaginally without any pain meds. Since she is small and my second birth, it seems very attainable.

As far as we know, she is developmentaly on track. Her brain and heart are functioning normally. Her lungs are of the main concern. If I had gone 1 more week the situation could have been better. But we have gotton steroids administered to help her with that should she be born tomorrow. I am still hoping to hold off for week, another few days or just 1 more day. Just to give her body a chance to develop more in her coccoon before being yanked out into the bright cold world.

What an experience this has been. My 3rd pregnancy and they were all so completely different. Isaiah's was the least complicated as crazy as I thought that was. I still think of the angel we lost recently and wonder...she would have been about 3 months old I think. I am a little bit sad that I may not be able to hold and nurse Baby Sister like I did with Isaiah... sad that I won't be bringing her home right away...scared that she'll be so delicate and tiny that I won't have the grace to handle her...lots of worries. Then there are the silly things I think about- like we didn't really buy any preemie clothes for her, I never got her room done- I wanted to make her bedding and just didn't get around to it, we never got a chance to do the belly cast. Those things aren't all that important, just floating around in my head begging me to turn back time and get it all done!
But among all this, we are still full of hope. She is going to be a preemie, but 34 weeks is further along then a lot of preemies. I pray for God to give me strength to host her body and build her up as much as possible.
Hoping my next post will bear good news! Thank you all for your heartfelt thoughts and prayers! Please continue to send them! Lots of love to you all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 

Prayers for Baby Sister please

This morning I had a followup ultrasound at the Perinatal center to monitor Baby Sister's growth. What I thought would just be routine, has been anything but. She was measuring small at last ultrasound, but still within range of normal. This time she is measuring very small. Her growth has been slow and she is not as big as we would hope for. Her head is within range of normal growth (but also small compared to averages) but her body appears to be very little. Although her heart rate is strong and she is active, the doctor sent me to get checked into the hospital for fetal monitoring. At present they think Baby Sister weighs about 3 pounds 4 ounces. The problem as far as I understand is that she is not getting enough blood flow through the placenta. Today my blood pressure is high, so my body is trying to compensate. I have had blood drawn and the results are abnormal. My doctor will be here soon to discuss our plan of action, but so far, it looks like I will be induced in the next day or two to start labor.
This is all quite a shock as my last Dr.'s appt was just a week ago and all appeared normal. Bloodwork a few weeks ago was also normal.
Thankfully, the hospital is about a 2 minute drive from our house, so I've been able to see Dave and Isaiah a lot today. I still miss my guys though and being home. There was so much still left on our to-do list but all those things seem so unimportant now. All we want is our healthy baby girl.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day here, lots more tests and things happening, so I thought I would do an update now while I have the time. If Baby Sister comes soon, she will most likely need to stay in the NICU until full term- which is 6 weeks. Will speak to my Dr. tonight and try to update again soon. Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, June 24, 2007 

7 weeks to go...

and counting. Wow, this pregnancy has gone by superfast! I can't believe we are 33 weeks already. Before we know it baby girl will be here and our lives will be turned upside down again! We are excited, happy and nervous. Isaiah talks about baby sister everyday and he wants to actually name her "Baby Sister". Every other name he says NO to and says her name is Baby Sister. He constantly asks me when she's coming out because he wants to play with her. I try to tell him she won't be able to play for a long time, then he tells me, "I share my toys with her, mommy." We'll just see about that! Today he held a grape up to my protruding belly button and asked her if she wanted a bite.

For those of you who have asked, we have registered at Target (the store and site) and

Target Registry

Amazon Registry

Also, there are links to our registries to the right.

These days I am HUGE, although she is a smaller than Isaiah was at this point, was I am starting to feel really slow and walk like a penguin. Going up the stairs leaves me winded and squatting for any reason is just out of the question. Sleep has once again become elusive, because my mind is even more pregnant (with thought) than my body! So waking up to a well rested toddler who's been out for 12+ hours when I've had less than 6 has been lots of fun. Still, I relish these last weeks with our only child. Our quiet times together will soon be over, and our lives will change so much. I can't wait to meet Baby Girl, but I hate to say goodbye to our status quo at the same time. It's really weird to feel this way, as you have absolutely no sense of this with your first child.

The worst part of this pregnancy so far was this past week. Isaiah and I both got sick, he got a cold, and I came down with Strep throat, of all things! It was a miserable week, but hopefully we'll get back to "normal" or whatever that is these days!

Our days being out and about are numbered and I still have so many things I wanted to do before I became house bound! We will be spending the next weeks madly prepping for a newborn! I think we are slowly and sadly coming to the realization that we are not going to complete our to do list before she is here. But who's ever really ready anyway? I'm still waiting for that burst of energy nesting phase to happen. Otherwise, my mojo is completely depleted and all I want to do is put my feet up and eat something.

I am so looking forward to falling for a newborn all over again, and watching my husband hold our daughter in his hands. Isaiah is completely void of all his former babyness, and I miss that pure innocence that babies bring. We wonder what she will look like, if she will look just like Isaiah did... how her personality will be... so many things to discover about this new little miracle. We still have not chosen a name for her, but I'm sure we'll figure it out before we leave the hospital! Otherwise, we'll be calling her Baby Sister like Isaiah wants!

Sunday, June 17, 2007 

Happy Father's Day!

We spent the morning at Daddy's favorite breakfast place the Encinitas Cafe. Grandpa and Grandma even came over! Isaiah's shirt says: My dad is the MAN!

Isaiah and I are blessed beyond words to have Dave in our lives. We couldn't ask for a better father and husband. Soon Dave will be Daddy to 2! The rest of the day was spent just hanging out at home, because that was what Daddy wanted. He got some much deserved Xbox time during Isaiah's nap. We were about to go out to dinner when Isaiah asked Daddy, "Daddy can we pwease pway pway doh? " I saw my husband melt right there and instead of going out, we stayed home and the boys played playdoh for over an hour and we ate a simple dinner at home. "We can go out to eat anytime, but I don't always get a chance to play playdoh." Dave said! What a great dad!

Happy Father's Day to Papa and Grandpa. We love you guys! Papa, we will see you soon! Happy Father's Day to Great Grandpa, Uncle Paul, and Uncle Derek, hope to see you in the near future. We love you! A very special prayer was said for all the fathers who are serving our country and are unable to be with their families on this special day. May God bless you and keep you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 

San Diego County Fair

Last Saturday we went to the Del Mar Fair and had a blast! Isaiah loved the petting zoo, piggy races and most of all- the elephant ride! Dave and I loved the onion rings and fried zucchini! We even got to see some Hawaiian dancers perform! We had so much fun, we're hoping to make it back a few more times before it ends! I was a bad paparazzi mom and let the battery on my digital camera die, but we did purchase a picture of the elephant ride. This had to be among the top 10 moments of Isaiah's life! Not sure if you can tell in the photo but he has the biggest smile on his face. That smile lasted through the night! Come to think of it, Daddy had the same smile on his face too! Isaiah loved the elephant, saying she was beautiful and petting her poky hairs! After the ride he said, "Bye elephant, thanks for the ride!" He still talks about her everyday!

The ride was put on by the Have Trunk Will Travel company which breeds the elephants and educates the public on this beautiful endangered species. They've done many movies and TV shows including the new movie "Evan Almighty"! You can even hire them for parties! I would hire them for Isaiah's next birthday but my backyard is just too small. ha ha ha...
